数码媒体-摄影 & 设计
不管是什么行业, every organization has a myriad of needs for quality visual media content. TU’s digital media program with a professional track in 照片graphy and 设计 prepares students for the constantly changing field of visual media, giving them foundational knowledge and skills and allowing them to develop their own creative style and artistry.
Students learn to solve a variety of visual communication problems through the use of multiple tools and media. They also develop a combination of visual, technical and business skills so they may be prepared for the changing demands of our multimedia communications environment.
Preparing You for the Real World
Students use professional 照片graphy equipment, as well as advanced 照片graphy and graphic 设计 and editing software, preparing them for careers in editorial, 广告, corporate communications and digital imaging. Students can lay the foundations for their own future content creation, 设计 or 照片graphy business or serve as consultants or freelancers for larger businesses and organizations.
Active, Experiential Learning
Students in the 照片graphy and 设计 track get regular experience working with TU’s Art and Media Teams doing special projects on campus and throughout the community. 课程 include solving real-world visual communication problems and working on multimedia communications activities supporting local businesses and organizations.
课程 & 格式
DMD234 -摄影
This course explores key 照片graphy concepts and methods, including principles of composition, 设计元素, digital editing and optimization, camera use and shooting techniques.
DMD434 -摄影2
This course explores advanced 照片graphy concepts and methods, 包括照明技术, 肖像摄影, 新闻摄影, landscape and architectural 照片graphy, 抽象摄影, and developing one’s own style, 艺术与品牌.
ART331 - 3D制作
This hands-on course explores 3D printing and prototyping technologies and their application in modern industrial, 设计, 创意领域. Assignments will encourage students to develop concepts, 通过想法工作, 实验, and ebrace risks in the 设计 process.
ART432 – Visual Problem Solving
Students will use previously acquired skills in 设计, 照片, video and editing to visually problem-solve a series of corporate media needs. 利用他们的视频制作, 设计, 分析和写作技巧, students manage real-world multimedia projects.
- 摄影师
- 平面设计师
- 艺术总监
- 概念艺术家
- 故事板的艺术家
- Print and Production Coordinator
- 印刷图形专员
- 3D制作技术员
- 内容创造者
- 销售协调员
- 社交媒体总监
- 通信管理器
School of Creative and Media Arts
蒂芬,OH 44883
- Comprehensive digital media and 设计 education
- 教师 bring vast knowledge and experience
- 专用数字媒体实验室
- Professional skills-based program
- 快速增长领域
- Student Scholar All-Stars – Tiffin University Hosts the Annual Academic Honors Ceremony
From Dragon Nation to Hoosier Country – Zachary Tomlinson’s Acceptance into a 化学
Ph.D. 巴黎圣母院的项目 - A Dragon Dental Student – Amanda Fire’s TU Story
- Tiffin University Recognizes 教师 Excellence
- Real World-Ready – Brooklyn Kreilick’s Experience with the Tiffin Innovation Program and Beyond