Bachelor of Arts
A Unique Program Leading to Licensure and a Rewarding Career
You want to help others, but you need to understand them first. 我们的成瘾咨询课程是独一无二的,因为我们专注于模拟咨询会议, 诊断评估, group counseling sessions and treatment plans. 你将获得你所需要的基础, through hands-on skills and clinical education, to obtain a chemical dependency licensure or go on to graduate school.
成瘾咨询集中提供实际操作技能和药物使用问题的临床教育, 滥用和依赖, as well as other related and co-occurring mental health addictive issues. 我们的课程旨在满足化学依赖顾问执照状态的教育要求, as well as the international certification standards in addiction counseling.
作为这个项目的学生, 你可以在该领域完成实习,并在获得执照所需的12个核心领域获得220小时的实践经验. If you achieve this and complete all of the required course work, you will only need one year of experience in the field (2,为了成为俄亥俄州第二高级别的化学依赖咨询师,你需要参加执照考试. The only higher license in this field requires a master’s degree.
- 在这个项目中教学的教授都是有执照的专业人士,他们在心理健康和/或成瘾领域有工作经验.
- 在完成学位之前, 你有资格申请化学品依赖顾问助理执照(在学习CSL 310之后).
- Addictions Counseling proves a valuable minor as well, 为那些可能不从事咨询工作,但可能与面临成瘾问题的人打交道的专业人士增加额外的市场技能/知识基础.
- 因为目前鸦片泛滥, 目前缺乏化学依赖咨询师,我们的许多学生报告说,甚至在毕业前就能在这个领域找到工作.
大多数心理学课程都是普通心理学,学生毕业时没有资格获得该领域的临床执照. 我们的成瘾咨询项目被安置在心理学专业,这样学生就可以在心理学领域获得全面的教育,以及在成瘾咨询方面的专业化.
教授我们课程的教师是在心理健康和/或成瘾领域工作的有执照的专业人士. 他们能够与客户分享有关成瘾和心理健康的案例和真实故事,以及他们的工作对客户的影响. You can see how what you’re learning in the classroom is relevant to the field.
课程内容和课程学习成果符合俄亥俄州化学品依赖委员会对许可的要求. 完成所需的CSL课程将使您达到执照的教育要求.
成瘾咨询计划将装备你的专业技能,你需要成为一个有效的成瘾咨询师, including:
- An understanding of the ethical principles of the field
- Microskills /面试技巧
- 团体咨询技巧
- 评估和诊断技能
- Prevention, intervention and treatment skills
- Knowledge and skills in working with families and couples
- 了解各种治疗方式,包括动机性访谈,CBT和MAT
- 文化意识和能力
您将获得一个坚实的基础,在心理学和成瘾咨询通过积极的, 实践教育. 该课程的教授都是在该领域有工作经验的专业人士. 教学不仅基于教科书,还基于案例和与客户的实际经验.
Learning by doing, in the addictions counseling program, you’ll:
- 参与小组工作.
- 参与大型小组讨论.
- Analyze case studies both independently and as a class.
- 参与角色扮演.
- 参与模拟评估和会议,同时扮演来访者和咨询师的角色.
- 参加模拟小组会议,既作为小组参与者,也作为小组促进者.
- 参加外部咨询设置.
- Conduct interviews with professionals in the field.
In the final year of coursework, you’ll complete an internship in the field. 你可以选择一个成瘾咨询机构或设置,在那里你可以开始在12个核心领域的实践经验小时的工作,这是获得执照所必需的.
Courses & Format
- CSL310 Introduction to Addiction Theory and Practice
- CSL320 Counseling Procedures and Strategies with Addicted and Disordered Populations
- CSL425 Group Process and Techniques Working with Addicted and Disordered Populations
- CSL430 Cultural Competence in Counseling
- CSL435评估 & 成瘾的诊断 & 行为健康问题
- CSL440 Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment Planning in Addictions
- CSL445 Theory and Practice of Relationship Counseling in Addictions & 行为健康
- 实习一
Total = 24 hours
This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. Consult the official Academic Bulletin for detailed registration and advising information.
Introduction to Addiction Theory and Practice (CSL310) – This course is designed to examine the etiology, risk factors and treatment of alcoholism and other addictions. 重点将包括对药物滥用理论和专业实践的跨学科基础的理解的历史和研究基础.
Counseling Procedures and Strategies with Addicted and Disordered Populations (CSL320) -本课程旨在为学生提供治疗因素方面的知识和经验, techniques, methods and basic skills relative to effective counseling. 具体的重点将包括介绍使用微技能方法的个人咨询实践(艾维). 学生将通过模拟咨询课程展示基本咨询理论和技能的能力. 辅导技巧和干预策略将通过课堂练习进行练习.
与成瘾人群和紊乱人群合作的团体过程和技术(CSL425) -本课程介绍治疗和成长过程中群体的模式和动态. 重点包括团体咨询, structure, types, stages, development, leadership, therapeutic factors and the impact of groups on the individual and larger systems. 有效的团体促进技巧和技术用于解决多样性问题和特殊人口需求.
On Campus – Offered in a 15-week semester format with start dates of January and August
Other Psychology concentrations offered:
Chemical dependency counselors are in short supply and high demand in the state of Ohio, making employability in the field upon graduation and obtaining licensure highly likely.
- Addictions or Mental Health Case Manager (outpatient or inpatient)
- 收养机构
- 行为障碍咨询师
- 儿童发展专员
- 社区组织者
- 文化多样性的教练
- Drug & 戒酒康复中心
- 员工援助计划
- 寄养机构
- Graduate School
- 启智计划
- Hospice Centers
- 人力资源经理
- 国际组织
- Individual and Group Chemical Dependency Counselor (inpatient and outpatient)
- Intake and Assessment Worker (inpatient and outpatient)
- 持牌化学品依赖顾问
- 婚姻家庭治疗师
- 精神卫生组织
- Nursing Homes
- 项目评估者
- 心理教育专家
- 休闲的治疗师
- Research and People-Oriented Jobs in the Criminal Justice and Business Fields (e.g. 人力资源)
- 集体之家的住宅经理
- 清醒生活和中途之家工作者
- 药物滥用顾问
- Bayshore
- Brainmaster Technologies, Inc.
- 克劳迪娅儿童护理公司.
- 社区费尔班克斯康复中心
- 危机短信热线
- Crosswaeh
- Firelands
- Hancock County Board of Developmental Disabilities
- In Session
- 玛丽蒙特治疗中心
- Med1care, Ltd.
- Oriana House
- 顶峰治疗中心
- Private Practice
- 塞内卡县就业和家庭服务中心
- 帕克希德的森林
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蒂芬,OH 44883
At a Glance
- 实践技能和临床教育
- Meets educational requirements for CDCA licensure status
- Professors are licensed, experienced professionals
- 要求专业实习
“当涉及到新事物时,任何人的头脑中都会有一点怀疑. 但对我来说,我认为证明那些说我做不到的人是错的是我最大的动力. There’s really nothing that seems impossible to me anymore. 世界在不断变化,与我第一次走进TU校园时相比,我觉得我现在更有能力适应这些变化.”
- Mondays at the Morgue – Ashley Rathbun (`25) and the Franklin County Coroner’s Office
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- 博彩平台推荐CJSS学院举办第六届年度研究会议和竞赛
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