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Educational Studies


If you love the culture of learning, educational studies offers a non-licensure pathways for students who want to work in an education-related field.

The educational studies program at TU is a partnership with Lourdes University. Lourdes University teaches the concentration courses on TUs campus and offers a potential 3+2 licensure program pathway toward a Master of Special Education.

Tiffin University’s 文学学士 in educational studies offers non-licensure pathways for students to pursue employment in education-related fields. The curriculum is transfer-friendly and features a 12-course core focused on sociology, 心理学, multicultural communications and introductory education studies. To offer students a more  focused pathway in their studies, this program  offers the following three concentrations: 

  • Educational Paraprofessional
  • 体育教练
  • Educational Technology and Communication

Students in the educational studies program will have an understanding of multicultural, social and inclusive perspectives in education, and will be able to effectively communicate practical applications of theories and principles of 心理学 toward a variety of careers in the field of education.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2022), the need for non-licensed educational support staff (such as teacher assistants) is growing at a faster-than-average rate of 9% nationally, and there is an acute need for aides and special education teachers within K-12 schools in Ohio.

The educational studies program also provides streamlined, dual-enrollment pathways into our Master of Education instructional design or higher education administration concentrations. While working on their undergraduate degree, students may take up to six hours of graduate coursework that qualify as open electives toward the degree. 

As part of the Expanding Special Education Licensure (ExSEL) grant from the Ohio Department of Higher Education, the Educational Studies program also provides a potential 3+2 pathway to a master’s degree in special education through a partnership with Lourdes University. Students who take this path will both earn a master’s degree and become licensed to teach K-12 mild to moderate special education.

Students within all concentrations in the educational studies program will have the opportunity to participate in the Education Club, the Dragon Education Guild, attend monthly professional seminars in education, engage with peers through education program events and experience real-world practice 在社区里 through a variety of course projects and activities.


Educational Studies Core

  • SOC101 Principles of Sociology
  • SOC320 Community Sociology
  • SOC360 Multicultural Issues in Society
  • PSY101 Introduction to Psychology  
  • PSY320 Motivational Psychology 
  • PSY363 Cognitive Psychology
  • COM310 Human, Interpersonal and Small Group Communication
  • COM324 Communicating across Cultures
  • ENG301 Professional Communications
  • EDS100 Theories of Teaching and Learning
  • EDS200 设计ing Effective 指令
  • SCS415 Leading with Cultural Intelligence

总计- 36小时

Educational Paraprofessional Concentration

  • EDU100 Introduction to Education
  • EDU216 Multicultural and Social Issues in Education
  • EDU230 Clinical Survey of Special Needs
  • EDA / M235临床 & Integrated Curriculum & 指令
  • EDU319 Classroom Management
  • EDU329 Differentiated 指令 & 评估 

总计- 18小时

Educational Technology and Communication Concentration

  • DMD134 Introduction to 数字媒体
  • DMD454 eLearning Content Development
  • HIS272 Cultural Storytelling
  • ART432 Visual Problem Solving
  • CMA352 Creator Career Development
  • HIS114 Intro to Multimedia Storytelling

总计- 18小时

体育教练 Concentration

  • SMG160 Intro to 体育管理
  • SMG220 Principles of Athletic Development
  • PSY211 Intro to Sports Psychology
  • NAT261 Princ of Phys Conditioning
  • EXS310 Cardiorespiratory Fitness Training
  • EXS410 Wellness Coaching 

总计- 18小时

Course Descriptions

EDU216 Multicultural and Social Issues in Education

Examines historical and legal multicultural issues in society. The course assists teacher candidates in the development of cultural consciousness toward and reverence for the diversity of individuals and groups within society. Teacher candidates are expected to develop an awareness of the implications and application of instruction and curriculum, which demonstrate the obligation to respect, 接受, adapt and work in communion for all students’ learning. EDU216 also examines social issues within the P-12 classrooms

EDU230 Clinical Survey of Special Needs

Focuses on the foundations of special education with emphasis on historical background, 法律问题, a positive learning environment, disabilities and health disorders in a regular/inclusive classroom, as well as developing teaching skills for use in an inclusive classroom

EDU319 Classroom Management

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to create an effective learning environment for a Gr. 4-12 classroom and to deal appropriately and effectively with behavioral issues within the classroom setting. The course covers both legal and ethical implications and provides practical management techniques.

The 文学学士 in educational studies offers non-licensure pathways for students to pursue employment in education-related fields, 包括

  • 学术顾问
  • Academic Technologist
  • 学术导师
  • 体育教练
  • 大学招聘人员
  • 指令al 设计er
  • 老师的助手
  • Teacher’s Assistant

